Exhibitors and Sponsors Resources

Join us for in-person exhibiting on April 9, 2025 in Tupelo, MS 

Top Reasons to Exhibit and/or Sponsor

* Meet over 1000 attendees, including students, deans, directors and faculty of nursing programs.

* Exhibit at the only organziation that represents associate degree nursing education, which graduates more than 50% of the nursing workforce in the state.

* Demonstrate live and answer questions on demand about your products and services.

* Develop strong relationships with attendees and colleagues through intimate networking opportunities.

* Benefit from hours of dedicated exhbits time.

Invitation to Exhibit & Sponsor

Dear Prospective Exhibitor/Sponsor: You are invited to participate at the Mississippi Organization for Associate Degree Nursing (MOADN) Convention on Wednesday, April 9-10, 2025,  in Tupelo, MS at the Cadence Bank Arena.

Exhibitors will have the opportunity for exposure to approximately 1400 nursing students and 200 nursing faculty for two days. The exhibit area will be open during the sessions being conducted on Wednesday and Thursday..

There will be, however, specific times that the exhibits will be on the convention program. There are a limited number of available exhibiting and sponsorship slots. The placement of the “tables” will be determined based on the date of the payment and registration form which is attached to this e-mail.

We are including the IP Vendor Instructions and Information with this email. If you have any additional questions, please contact me at [email protected] or visit our website for online registration at moadn.com. The link to registration is https://conta.cc/3NPi4M4 .

Please note the deadline for registration is March 15, 2025. The registration form is attached. We look forward to seeing you in Tupelo!

Dr. Jacquelyn Brownlow, DNP, RN, MOADN Membership Chair, Exhibit Coordinator

Exhibitor and Sponsors

Exhibitor Prospectus

 Vendor Information & Instructions 

Click below to view floor plans and room specfications

Coming Soon 

MOADN Advertisement Form

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Exhibit/Sponsor Fees: Cost per Unit

Faculty Keynote Sponsor: includes podium presentation; a full page ad in convention booklet; recognition listing as sponsor in convention booklet; two table exhibitor fee $7000

Sponsorship: Platinum includes a full page ad in convention booklet; recognition listing as sponsor in convention booklet; two table exhibitor fee $6000

Sponsorship: Gold includes a half page ad in convention booklet; recognition listing as sponsor in convention booklet; one table exhibitor fee $4500

Sponsorship: Silver includes a quarter page ad in convention booklet; recognition listing as sponsor in convention booklet; one table exhibitor fee $3000

Sponsorship: Bronze includes one eighth of a page ad in convention booklet; recognition listing as sponsor in convention booklet; one table exhibitor fee $2000

Standard Exhibitor  for 2 days (includes 2 attendees, meals, CEUs, 1 table with skirting, and 2 chairs) $1000

Standard Exhibitor for 1 day (includes 2 attendees, meals, CEUs, 1 table with skirting, and 2 chairs) $750

Electricity (110v outlet) $50
Additional table and attendee $250 

Click to download form